Our Process

To always maintain our fiduciary standards, we implement a clear and repeatable process for client interactions. Our 6 step holistic process helps us ensure our wealth management activities are focused and designed from your point of view.  It places you in control of your financial well-being.


Step 1: Define Your Major Life Goals


  • We work with you to gather holistic information about you by asking some personal questions and delving into the life circumstances that matter most to you.
  • We capture and characterize your financial goals, passions, and struggles (GPS).
  • We determine your ideal (in a perfect world) & acceptable (ones you can live with) goals.
  • “We work with you” to prioritize your goals.


Step 2: Stress-test Your Goals


  • Once the fact finding, goal setting, and prioritizing are complete, we stress-test (through our planning software) your current plan to assess your probability of achieving success and to determine if you should remain on course or make any adjustment(s) .


Step 3: Create a 360 Recommendation for You


  • This recommendation is derived from a culmination of the facts and data gathered coupled with your established GPS.
  • It focuses solely on your best interest and aims to provide a strategy for you to achieve financial success based on your goals, your priorities, your asset balances, your risk tolerances, and your cash flow.


Step 4: Present Recommendation to You


  • In this step, we educate you in layman’s terms to ensure you fully understand your strategy prior to implementation of the recommendation—full disclosure is of utmost importance.
  • It is a slow walk through each part of the recommendation, with care being taken to describe how it will affect your stated GPS, by describing the advantages and disadvantages of implementing or not implementing the recommendation.


NOTE: We do not move forward until you are comfortable with the recommendation and its components.


Step 5: Implement the Plan


  • With your full understanding and agreement, we establish a methodical process to implement the recommendation (your plan)—demands extensive time, paperwork, and heavy documentation.
  • We clearly define your responsibilities and our responsibilities.


Step 6: Monitor and Adjust


  • Maintain contact with you through periodic reviews to ensure your plan is on course with your GPS
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